
Brockmoor Primary School




At Brockmoor, we study French as a Foreign Language. We follow a sequence of lessons using CUSP to support teaching. The teaching of phonics is also included at the start of every lesson. Our intent is to support our children in developing their understanding and a love of a second language. To equip them and give them the tools to support them when transitioning into secondary school. We aim to do this through fun and engaging lessons. We want our children to enjoy learning French.




CUSP French has been intentionally crafted based on the principles of evidence-led practice, ensuring a dedicated emphasis on the high-quality development of children as linguists. The curriculum revisits core study areas throughout, with each unit concentrating on essential elements such as phonics, grammatical structures, reading, writing, oracy, and vocabulary. CUSP French is a comprehensive resource designed for both teachers and students, fostering consistency in French instruction across the school. It equips teachers, even those without prior knowledge of French, with the necessary subject expertise to effectively convey the content.

The design of CUSP French is geared towards meeting the needs of young linguists in the contemporary world. Deliberate emphasis is placed on key areas to ensure that students acquire knowledge and language relevant to engaging with crucial and practical topics like the environment, wellbeing, and travel. The curriculum not only focuses on vocabulary acquisition but also on the fundamental components essential for learning a new language.

Clear structures and established learning routines form the foundation of CUSP French, enabling both pupils and teachers to concentrate their cognitive attention on the core content in each block. Aligned with other CUSP subjects, Knowledge Notes are employed to support instruction and the revisiting of new concepts. This unwavering commitment to cognitive science provides the framework for pupils to deepen and broaden their understanding of the French language, fostering their confidence and inspiration as linguists.


How is CUSP French organised?

CUSP French is taught from Years 3 – 6. Each year group has 6 blocks of 5 weeks teaching. Additional weeks in the academic year can be used for consolidation, revisiting or enrichment. The curriculum is built to be delivered in 30 – 40 minutes of study per week.


CUSP French long-term sequence

There is a significant focus on revisiting throughout the curriculum with the aim of pupils mastering key knowledge that can be built on as they move through the programme of study.



What will pupils know and be able to do at key points of the curriculum?


Each block includes study of key MFL linguistic concepts and previously learnt language concepts to enable pupils to build on known themes and vocabulary. The core content overview outlines the substantive and disciplinary knowledge and key vocabulary that pupils will learn throughout each block of study. This includes the vocabulary, phonics and grammatical constructs that pupils will learn, as well as the opportunities to develop their reading, writing and oracy skills. Teachers will note that there is limited emphasis on pupils’ writing of French and a greater focus on reading, oracy and laying strong linguistic foundations. This is because pupils need to hear, see and say whole, correctly spelt words frequently before they are asked to apply these to written tasks. As pupils become more confident with curriculum content, teachers may choose to use the flexible content weeks to further develop pupils’ written French.


Knowledge Notes

Knowledge Notes are a fundamental pillar of the CUSP offer. These provide a visual and locational cue to help pupils learn and remember new content that is taught in each lesson. These are dual coded and careful consideration has been given to their design to avoid cognitive overload. This also allows pupils to revisit previously taught concepts, remembering knowledge and language that can be prompted by the contents of the Knowledge Notes.




At Brockmoor Primary, the concept of revisiting is ingrained in the very architecture of our French curriculum, ensuring a comprehensive approach to language learning. This commitment is evident in various aspects:

  • Long-term Sequencing: Revisiting occurs between individual blocks in each year group, strategically integrated into our long-term sequence.

  • Remembering in Lessons: Within each lesson, the Remember phase emphasizes revisiting key language elements, fostering retention and understanding.

  • Quizzing for Mastery: Quizzes are utilized throughout, at the end of, and after a block of study, providing opportunities for students to reinforce their knowledge.

Our dedicated teachers actively encourage frequent revisiting of key language elements through everyday classroom interactions. Whether it's a casual greeting, discussing the time, exploring classroom items, or giving instructions, these interactions aim to solidify the knowledge acquired during French lessons.


Cultural Development 

At Brockmoor Primary, we are passionate about fostering cultural development as an integral part of language education. Our curriculum places a strong emphasis on enriching students' understanding of various cultures and global issues. In the realm of CUSP French:

  • French Customs and Traditions: We specifically focus on teaching students about French customs, traditions, and heritage, drawing parallels and distinctions with their own experiences in modern Britain.

  • Exploring Notable Figures and Landmarks: Significant French figures and landmarks are introduced throughout the curriculum, providing students with a deeper understanding of France's cultural and historical significance.

  • Integration with Wider Curriculum: Our teachers actively link French learning with other aspects of the broader curriculum, creating connections with subjects like art and music.


Assessment Strategies 

Assessment in Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) at Brockmoor Primary is designed to be formative and aligned with pupil outcomes from each lesson. Our assessment strategies include:

  • Explicit Expectations: Clear expectations for each sequence are outlined to guide both teachers and students.

  • Your Turn Tasks: These tasks provide valuable opportunities for teachers to assess students' learning within a lesson.

  • Remember Tasks: Opportunities for assessing learning from previous lessons are integrated into our curriculum.

  • Flexible Content Weeks: These weeks serve as a platform to assess students' overall understanding at the conclusion of a block.


Supporting Pupils with SEND at Brockmoor Primary

In our commitment to inclusive education, teachers at Brockmoor Primary proactively consider the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). This involves:

  • Tailored Activities: Specific activities or pedagogy are adjusted to ensure accessibility for pupils with SEND, fostering their full participation.

  • Visual Prompts: Pupils with language and communication difficulties receive additional visual prompts to enhance comprehension.

  • Individualised Support: For those with hearing impairments, careful consideration is given to adapt French lessons, ensuring success in both hearing and producing sounds.

  • Task Adaptations: Tasks may be adapted for pupils facing challenges in processing, including reducing the number of words or activities, introducing scribes for writing-focused lessons, or other customised adjustments based on individual needs.




We use Insight to record assessment termly. This is reviewed by subject leads. 


Exemplifications are used to inform assessment of pupil outcomes and to support teachers in developing their own subject knowledge. They demonstrate the expected standard which teachers can assess pupils’ work.


The best form of assessment in French is in-action, while pupils are working. This helps us to understand pupils’ development by encouraging pupils to articulate their thinking and reflections. This gives teachers a good understand of which aspects of developments they may require additional teaching in and reshape teaching to support this.
