
Brockmoor Primary School



Why Choose Brockmoor?

Brockmoor Primary School is a two form entry school, taking pupils as young as 3 in our new build nursery with amazing outdoor space. 


Many choose the school because they are fortunate to live close by, or because they went to the school when they were children. Others visit, walk around and realise this is the perfect school for their child.


We have incredible outcomes. 96% of our children met the expected standard in Maths last year, 93% for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.





As one of the Top 1% of Most Improved Schools in the country, we have had dozens of children join our school in the last year and even more picking us for a Reception place. 



Are we a good school?

We think we are a 'GREAT' school and a read of our last couple of Ofsted reports will give you a glimpse into Brockmoor life. We think the best thing you can do is come and visit, speak to our children and meet our team. 

We are clear on what we are doing to improve and cannot do this single-handedly. We are fortunate that our Parents/Carers are so supportive, and our latest Parental Survey shows very positive results.


Thinking of joining our school family?

If you are interested in joining our school family, please contact the school to arrange a visit.

The statutory School Admission Code has been amended and the necessary changes take effect from 1 September 2021. Parliament only approved the Code on 13th July 2021, hence why I was unable to write to you prior to the end of term. One of the required changes is for Local Authorities to have an in year co-ordinated scheme setting out the process and timescale for dealing with in year applications.

Admissions are now legally required to respond to school applications within 10 school days, in order for us to achieve this, we will require decisions back from schools within 3 school days, reasons for the decision must also be provided. This now forms part of the co-ordinated scheme and will allow time to co-ordinate the decisions and respond to the parent. Schools are reminded that they should not invite parents/children into school for meetings until a decision has been made on the application as this could constitute interviewing which is not permitted in the Code.

**All schools should ensure that their website informs parents how to apply for a school place during the school year and the information should include where they can obtain an application form from. For consistency can you all please use the following wording:-

In year school admissions are co-ordinated by Dudley Local Authority. If you would like to apply for a school place at *** School please contact Dudley School Admissions for an application form on 0300 555 2345 further information is available at 

Academies, Voluntary Aided and Foundations schools only.

You must now provide a SIF on your website for in year admissions, please ensure it is uploaded with the above information provided for the website.
You must maintain a record of all decisions made in respect of in year admissions and you may be asked for it at any time. I would suggest the records are maintained for 3 years.
