
Brockmoor Primary School





At Brockmoor Primary School, we are MUSICIANS!


We want our children to love music. We want them to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be music producers, songwriters, composers or rockstars!


Our vision, at Brockmoor Primary School, is to give children access to an engaging and fun music curriculum reflecting the world they live in now, but at the same time giving them access to musical styles throughout history. Children are able to listen and appraise a variety of musical styles alongside performing pieces and creating their own compositions through the use of technology. To achieve this all children access a variety of musical games, songs, instruments, music workshops, and extra - curricular activities giving them practical hands on experience.


We hope children continue to grow in confidence as they progress through the musical curriculum and become passionate in their responses to music. Added to this we want children to become more independent learners within this area, reflect upon their learning and develop resilience within the musical world.


A singing culture will be established and nurtured within the school. Children and adults in the school will be encouraged to sing whenever appropriate to aid well-being and health as well as musical outcomes.





CUSP Music is taught from Years 1 – 6. Each year group has 6 blocks of 5 weeks teaching. Additional weeks in the academic year can be used for consolidation, revisiting or enrichment. The curriculum is designed to be delivered in 45 – 60-minute lessons, depending on the age of pupils and stage of learning. 

Across the year, each year group will focus on developing singing, playing a range of untuned and tuned instruments and building their knowledge about music. Pupils will build their knowledge and musical skills year on year, becoming more expert in playing and appraising a wide range of musical styles.  

The CUSP curriculum has a strong focus on supporting pupils to meaningfully develop their understanding of other cultures and issues that impact on the wider global community. For this reason, CUSP Music has a specific emphasis on teaching pupils about music that originates from a wide range of cultures, traditions and time periods, including those that are both similar and different to pupils’ own experience of music in modern Britain.  

Significant musicians and compositions are included throughout the curriculum.






Children represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-play and stories.











How do pupils learn

  • Class timetables have been built to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum.  

  • Subjects  have been blocked in a spaced retrieval model to support catch up and to build the frequency of science and wider curriculum subjects. This maximises learning time

  • Music is timetabled weekly




What pupils will know and be able to do is clearly outlined in each block. Teachers should keep this as their key focus for each block of study but also exploit every opportunity to build on pupils’ prior knowledge, as these strong foundations will support pupils in deepening their understanding over time.  




Knowledge notes focus pupils’ working memory to the key question that will be asked at the end of the lesson.  This reduces cognitive load.





Retrieval practise is planned into the curriculum through spaced learning and interleaving and as part of considered task design by the class teacher.  Teaching and learning resources and provided for class teachers so they can focus their time on subject knowledge and task design.




Pupils with language and communication difficulties (including those with ASD) may need additional visual prompts to help them understand what is expected of them. Some pupils may require individual task boards to enable them to follow a series of steps where a task has been broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks. 


Some pupils may have a hearing impairment. Teachers should think carefully about how this impacts their ability to hear and produce sounds and consider how best to adapt the Music lessons to ensure these pupils can be successful. 


Some pupils may have a visual impairment. This may impact their ability to read and follow musical notation. Teachers should think carefully about how they can adapt these lessons, possibly including the use of technology, to ensure that these pupils can access the same high-quality curriculum experience.  


For some pupils who have specific challenges around processing, some of the lessons may require adaptation to ensure that all pupils can participate fully in the lesson. This may mean reducing the number of instructions or steps in a task, introducing the use of a reader for lessons with a reading element (including lyrics), or any other adaptations specific to the pupils in your class. 




The units are supported by vocabulary modules which provide both resources for teaching and learning vital vocabulary and provide teachers with Tier 2 and 3 vocabulary with the etymology and morphology needed for explicit instruction details relevant idioms and colloquialisms to make this learning explicit. 


We aim to provide a high challenge with low threat culture and put no ceiling on any child’s learning, instead providing the right scaffolding for each child for them to achieve.





The impact of this curriculum design will lead to outstanding progress over time across key stages relative to a child’s individual starting point and their progression of skills.


Children will therefore be expected to leave Brockmoor reaching at least age related expectations for Music. Our Music curriculum will also lead pupils to be enthusiastic learners, evidenced in a range of ways, including pupil voice and their work. 




Assessment of Music should be formative and based on the pupil outcomes from each lesson. The following can be used to assess pupils’ knowledge and understanding of music and musical skills: 

  • Expectations of what pupils will know and be able to do are included on the front page of each block. The Point of Reflection notes provide clear outcomes for each lesson.

  • Pupils should know and remember the key language that is delivered cumulatively throughout the curriculum. Teachers can use the vocabulary quizzing during, at the end of and after each block to support pupils in embedding this.

  • Questions for assessment are provided for each block. Teachers will use these as part of a Pupil Book Study structured discussion to help them understand what pupils have learnt over time.




A series of self evaluation questions are provided for each unit.


