Our Vision
"We begin with the end in mind."
Many schools have well laminated values dotted around the school, our aim is to have well lived values in every child and every member of staff. Our vision and our values are not simple statements or platitudes, they are alive in everything we do, the heart of our ASPIRE curriculum and the heart of all we do.
Shakespeare must have had an English teacher. Who gave him such inspiration?
Ada Lovelace must have had a maths teacher. Who taught her to count?
Einstein must have had a physics teacher. Who unlocked that potential in him?
There could be someone in our school who leads us when the world's resources have run out, someone who resolves the crisis in the Middle East or prepares us for the next pandemic
Our job is to find the best person in every child and help them become it, because they won't know it yet.
We have high expectations for every child in our school.
Our bespoke ASPIRE curriculum is tailored to the needs of all of our pupils so they can reach their potential.
We aim for every child to have a sense of purpose and accomplishment.
We want every child to have determination to do well.
We know that success only comes after hard work and dedication. We teach our children that if you persevere then you have more chance of being successful.
We create opportunities so children can become independent.
We will be there to support every child, every step of the way, but we want them to have the skills to be independent when they leave us.
We come from a wide range of backgrounds, care for, and respect each other.
We celebrate our similarities and our differences. We are a registered UNICEF Right's Respecting School.
We only expect the very best in all that we do.
We know that excellence is hard to accomplish, but it is what we strive to do.