
Brockmoor Primary School


Governor Information

A warm welcome to Brockmoor Primary School from the School Governors.


We would like to explain what School Governors do, and how we work with the Head teacher.


The Governing Body has six members including Parent Governors (elected by pupil parents) the Head teacher, a Staff Governor (elected by staff members) and Governors drawn from the local community. We meet at least once a term. Governors expect to spend in the region of 5-8 hours each month on School governance.




The Governing Body has an important role.


Governors have three basic responsibilities :


  • to provide a clear overview of the School's values and the plans for the next three to five years
  • to make sure that the Head teacher and staff are responsible for delivering the

educational performance of the School and its pupils in an effective and inclusive way

  • to watch over the School's financial performance and make sure that funding is well spent.


How Governors work with the Head teacher and senior leaders


We are not involved in the day to day management of the School, which is the responsibility of the Headteacher, assisted by the Senior Leadership Team.


The Governing Body's job is to ask challenging questions of the Head teacher and leadership, and provide constructive support to make sure that the School's long term plans and ambitions are fulfilled


Governors robustly hold School leaders to account, in order to guarantee high standards

in education for all our pupils, regardless of ability or circumstances


Governors are responsible for ensuring that the annual budget is balanced. We must also ensure that the budget is adequate to meet commitments for planned teaching and curriculum requirements.


The Governing Body has oversight of the policies which regulate the School, including Safeguarding, Special Educational Needs and Behaviour.


We hope this short description of the work of Governors is helpful. We would be pleased to answer your questions or explain more fully the part we play in the School community. II you have any questions, please contact:


We have vacancies for certain Governor roles and for Associate Governors. 

For more information regards becoming a School Governor please contact Russell Bond, Headteacher, for further information.

Governor Meetings 2019/2020

Governor Meetings 2020/2021

Governor Meetings 2021/2022

Governor Meetings 2022/23

Historical Governor Information

Governor - Term of Office
