
Brockmoor Primary School





Attendance is vital. We can have the best teachers and staff in the world but if you don't come to school you won't reach your potential. 


If you attend every day for a whole term then you can be in with a chance of winning a bike. 

Every term we have a DJ and Disco for children with near perfect attendance.

Come to school every day for two weeks and you will get a prize.

We also rewards classes. 10 days of perfect attendance means a Popcorn Party !


Only 40% of those who are Persistently Absence (PA) reach the expected standard by the end of KS2. 84% of children who are regular attendance will reach the expected standard.


It is a similar story in Secondary school too. 36% of children who are Persistently Absence (PA) get five good GCSEs whilst 84% of regular attenders do.


We know sometimes children are not well enough to be in school, but when they can be in school they should be in school. 





Our whole school attendance is 94%.


Our winners for the best attendance this week are as follows:

4BK are our Gold winners with 99%

5DJ are our runners up with 98% !!

Well done everyone!! yes


The new bikes are up for the Spring Term draw!

If you attend every day and on time throughout the Spring term, your name will be added to the big winners spinning wheel on the last day of term. Don't forget the attendance party in the hall for all the children who achieve 97% and above for the Spring term

You can do this!!


Please ensure that your child is at school on time every day. Children, like us,  prefer to be on time, as you can imagine walking into a room full of people late is not a good start to the day.

School doors are open at 8.40am. If you are late for school and have to enter through the front office your child will get a late mark against them.

School and Parent/Carer partnership:

  • Create good life time habits and only keep your child absent from school if it is absolutely necessary.
  • If your child is absent please contact the school on the first day. Prolonged unexplained absence may trigger safeguarding concerns.
  • Please report any changes to personal information including address or contact numbers. It is important we have two emergency contact numbers.
  • If you child’s attendance is poor or there are ongoing medical conditions, please provide medical evidence when at all possible so that we are in a position to authorise absence and support your child.
  • If there are any concerns, please arrange an appointment to speak to a member of staff.



Overall School Attendance94.54% ( Overall)
Nursery:93%Reception:93%Year 1:93%Year 2:95%
Year 3:94%Year 4:96%Year 5:96%Year 6:





If your son/daughter is not well enough for school then contact the school and we will support you in anyway we can. If they are in hospital we can liaise with their education team. 


If your son/daughter is persistently absent then we will meet with you to discuss any barriers which are stopping good attendance.

Only keep your child absent from school if it is a genuine illness, your child will fall behind if they do not attend and forming good habits in life will help them build resilience.
