Our school has signed up to receive free healthy breakfast food as part of the Covid response offer, under the National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), which is being delivered by the charities Family Action and Magic Breakfast.
As part of this government funded programme, schools can choose to offer children a healthy breakfast at school or at home.
Our plan is to offer bagels to all children in their classrooms as they arrive between 8.30-9.15am. These will be prepared in the kitchen and taken to each class bubble . A tray of bagels will be kept in the class bubble for any children who are late arriving. Breakfast packs for vulnerable families or those not able to attend school can be issued as needed or in the event of a lockdown situation. Our breakfats club will also be supported with cereals and bagels and we will offer 20-25% free places to vulnerable families and those children whio receive Pupil Premium Funding.
One of the key benefits of a healthy breakfast is our children being settled and ready to learn at the start of the day.
#NSBP | #fuelforlearning | #schoolbreakfast | #healthybreakfast
Useful twitter handles:
Department for Education: @educationgovuk
Family Action: @family_action
Magic Breakfast: @magic_breakfast