Details of the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) can be found on the Dudley Council website. We will ask parents to fill in a form to check if they are eligible for EYPP.
At Brockmoor Primary Early Years Pupil Premium is used to support the children’s development through helping them
Specialist training for staff e.g. speech and language development
Extra or individual support in a particular learning area
Extra equipment to support particular development
Additional staffing or staff hours to enable further support for your child
Ways in which we are currently using or have used the EYPP
Training in Ofsted approved Early Years Phonics scheme
Training for staff in specific language intervention programmes to help the children further develop their language skills
Improved outdoor provision to support development of children’s learning
Forest School to develop confidence, communication skills and physical development of children.
Wider use of Ipads in the Early Years
Makaton training for EYFS staff