
Brockmoor Primary School


Tapestry - Early Learning Journeys

Here at Brockmoor Primary School, we use Tapestry to gather evidence of our children's learning and development throughout the Early Years.

Staff use the program Tapestry, to take photographs and recordings of your child's development during their time in school. Images are captured throughout the week and uploaded to a secure website where parents/carers are able to access these. Parents/carers have the option to also upload their own images for school staff to view.


Each observation is linked specifically the child/ren involved. When children start with us at Brockmoor, whether that be in Nursery or Reception, parents/carers are asked to give consent for their child to be photographed alongside with their peers, where they will occasionally feature in each other's learning journeys. Should you wish for your child not to appear in anyone else's learning journeys, then staff will ensure that they are not photographed in a group situation.


Below is a copy of the latest parental permission form that you should have signed in preparation for the academic year 2021-22. If you have not yet signed this form please make your child's class teacher aware.

Below are a few comments from parents of the 2020-2021 Reception cohort regarding the use of Tapestry in school.


'The Tapestry App has not only helped to aid effective communication, but has also allowed parents to gain an insight into their child's education. Being able to track your child's development enables you to celebrate their abilities and support them in other areas'. Reception Parent 


'Tapestry has been an amazing tool to view our sons learning first hand this year, particularly through these difficult circumstances. It is great as a tool for communications with teachers, easy to use and has high privacy/security on google play. We have loved this as a family this year to see our son blossom and develop.' Reception Parent


'Very easy to use, nice to have regular updates and communication especially through lockdown.' Reception Parent

Here are a couple of examples of the ways in which Tapestry will be used. Nursery and Reception evidence in slightly different ways as there are different expectations at the end of each year. However the general use of Tapestry is the same for both year groups, we aim to ensure each child has regularly updated photographs showing their learning and comments from staff who work with them consistently. This will help you to be able to see how your child is progressing and to understand where they may need a little more support within their learning.
